Shadow Work for Self-Sabotage

Discover and resolve the unconscious roots of self-sabotage, so that you can live your best life and realize your dreams without resistance!


When you’re grappling with the relentless grip of self-sabotage, moving in the direction of your goals can feel like you’re swimming upstream. But imagine a life where you’re no longer hampered by self-sabotage – and you’re able to move towards your goals and visions WITHOUT all the usual resistance, discouragement, procrastination, and unhelpful patterns.

But you don’t have to just imagine this!

Letting go of self-sabotage is often quite simple once you’re truly aware of the REAL reasons why you’re self-sabotaging in the first place. And in order to become aware of these reasons, you MUST engage in the practice of Shadow Work. This mean exploring the parts of your mind and emotions that are unconscious to you.

Now, exploring the Shadow is not an easy task, especially if you’re new to the practice of Shadow Work. But with Emerald’s dedicated guidance and support, you will unravel the mysteries of your Unconscious mind so that you can discover and unwire the reasons for the unconscious patterns that cause you to self-sabotage — and emerge as the master of your own destiny.

By delving deep into the recesses of your psyche, you'll unearth the root causes of your unhelpful patterns and reclaim control over your life.

Embrace the journey towards self-discovery and empowerment with Shadow Work Coaching. Your destiny awaits – are you ready to seize it?


Emerald Wilkins - Coach and Consciousness Work Facilitator


If you’re interested in enrolling in the Shadow work for self-sabotage program, click the link below…


Shadow Work for Self-Sabotage

Phase 1: Discovering What You Truly Want

In this phase of the coaching, you will develop more clarity about who you TRULY are and what you REALLY want.

Phase 2: Mindset and Self-Concept Shift

In phase two, you’ll shift your mindset and self-concept to become the person who can achieve your goals.

Phase 3: Finding the Root Cause

In this phase of the coaching, you will discover the deeper reason(s) why you’re self-sabotaging.

Phase 4: Resolving the Root Cause

In phase four, you will resolve the “root-cause” reasons for your self-sabotaging behaviors.

Phase 5: Creating an Integrated Action Plan

In phase five of the program, you will create and execute an action plan to achieve your goals that is in alignment with the truest deepest will for all parts of yourself.


It’s time to stop struggling against the currents of your own Unconscious Mind and sacrificing your dream life to the whims of your Shadow.

Embark on a journey of Shadow Work Coaching and discover what makes your self-sabotaging behaviors tick, so that you can remove the unconscious emotional and psychological barriers that stand in the way of you and your most aligned and authentic life.


Meet the Coach!


Hi! My name is Emerald Wilkins and I’m a life-coach and consciousness work facilitator. I’m also the creator of the YouTube channel “The Diamond Net” where I share the insights that I’ve encountered on my journey of self-growth and expansion of consciousness.

I’ve facilitated 500+ clients all around the globe through the process of Shadow Work to discover more about their Unconscious motives, so that they can get themselves unstuck from unhelpful patterns and transform their lives for the better.

It is my NUMBER ONE GOAL to bring more mercy to the world by helping people liberate themselves from their self-sabotaging tendencies so that they can live the life they were born to live!


If you have any questions about my coaching and you’d like to contact me via email, my email address is

Note: If you’re a former/current client of mine, you can email me at if you’re interested in taking more coaching sessions with me.